Saturday, October 10, 2009

I Am Excited

I am so excited to be a part in the Diboll First United Pentecostal Church. We were voted in on July 15, 2009. Now this will be a story to tell...let me catch a breather from all the moving and I will catch u up ASAP.

I absolutely LOVE Diboll. It is a nice little town about 10 miles south on 59 from Lufkin, Texas. Our home is located about 6 miles south and the Texas UPC Bible College is at the south end of Lufkin also which makes it very nice. We have the awesome privilege of having Daniel Patterson, a missionary kid in our church now...actually he is not a kid, but that is what tag peeps tend to place on the offspring of our missionaries...preacher's kids is just as bad, so understand that it is just a figure of speech. N E wayz, I have known him since he was real small boy...I use to purchase teacups that his mom and dad would sell at General Conference. His parents are Mike and Jill Patterson. Jill was raised in the Diboll church all her life. Who would have ever thought. They are missionaries in Romania and have been for years...I have always prayed for that particular family...I have always felt a bond, they probably don't even remember me, but I remember them...I was a Patterson also...what is even stranger is: I had 2 cousins that had the same names...Mike and Danny that is my little scoop on you know why I have always kept them at the TOP of my missionaries list. I feel it is a great honor and privilege to have him in our church...he is our drummer. He has enrolled in missions in the Bible school and have had several students come and participate in services.

Today we had 11 meet for outreach and pass out tracks. The college students had 10 promises for services tomorrow, so we are ready to see what God will do. Praise God!

I have been looking for a piano to start back playing and I found one today...I will be going to Silsbee, Texas to pick it up on Monday Lord willing...I am excited! It has been several years since I have had to play...boy did I rely on Bro. Dooley, oops, Bro. Dewey Freeman in Oak Grove...he is the best and was God sent for that season...I have Bettina Valentine who is also brushing up and/or learning same as me, but God is helping us.

I have so much to write about, but it is 4 minutes till Sunday morning and you know what that means, so I had better end it here. Until next time.


Diboll First United Pentecostal Church said...

Well didn't this story rot to the core! I lost my Mother and Father in 2010 and was recovering from losing a sister in 2006. Never a sorry about your Mother and Father, even tho things were bad at the time between us, deep down, I still loved them very much. They slowly, but surely killed all the love, dreams, and hopes I saw in the future ahead.
We left there with wounded souls and bleeding till the life has drained from me. As for my husband , he is ok, but me, no not me.
You see the piano player that I did not trust but tried called me Mom. Humph! Some daughter! My daughter treated me better! She turned on me in an instant!